
Numbers: 09313784375 & 09313550006
WhatsApp: 9311050004

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Love Commandos is a voluntary organization in India dedicated to helping India’s lovebirds who want to marry for love. We provide assistance in protecting couples, helping them fight harassment and giving them shelter so they can marry freely.

Mr. Sanjoy Sachdev
Mr. Harsh Malhotra
Chief Co-Ordinator

प्यार करना पाप नहीं, विरोधी हमारा बाप नहीं

Helpline Numbers: 09313784375, 09313550006
WhatsApp: 9311050004

12 Lines: These numbers ring at 12 places. If you hear a busy tone or waiting tone, please do not disconnect. You will automatically get diverted to one of the free lines. It may take some time. Please have patience.



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09313784375 [ from outside India: +91.9313784375 ]
09313550006 [ from outside India: +91.9313550006 ]

Twitter: lovecommandosin

Video Calls
Skype: lovecommandos
WhatsApp Call and Video: 9311050004 [ from outside India: +919311050004 ]


Here you can post comments and share your concerns if honour killings disturb you.

You can also give ideas and suggestions of how you can help and contribute.

NOTE: Replies to all posts are given on their respective emails for the reason of further security of the Love Couples. However, when email addresses are not correct, replies are posted here. Please keep checking your emails (inbox / spam box / junk folder).


Helpline — 3,002 Comments

  1. First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you people for the
    initiative that you have undertaken. Then, I would like to take
    this opportunity of being able to interact with you, to point out
    to you that the social fight against this evil practice would get a
    shot in the arm, were we to have legal provisions to punish the
    offenders for the CRIME of honour killing, instead of the present
    system, wherein each case of honour killing is dealt with, as a
    separate case of murder, in the absence of any law relating to
    honour killing. Its so shameful to face the fact that even Pakistan
    has separate law relating to honour killing while here in India,
    honour killing is NOT RECOGNISED as a separate crime! I would
    request you to try and form a pressure group in this regard, while
    at the same time, you continue to spread awareness against the
    continuance of such a beastly practice!!

  2. I can’t say how delighted I was when I read about this effort in
    The Sunday Indian.You people are doing a wonderful job,one I have
    dreamt of doing myself.I’ll be happy to be of any help.Best

    • SALUTE to you and hatsoff to the work u are doing. I knw how it
      feel when we deeply love someone..and are forced to get apart
      from them.. As i am also facing the serious problem. May be our
      story will also end by our deaths coz of diff castes ….. we
      really need your your help sir. Pls help sir we are not having
      much time..  we will be really thankfull to you.

    • Dear Madhu

      Yes, you are more than welcome to promote this cause and save
      lives and families.

      Please ensure that the promotion does Not turn to spamming.


  3. Hi..sir this sami from new delhi. First of all i wanna thanx to the
    love commandos chairman to come ahead to prevent honor killing. I
    am in the same phase sir. I love another caste girl. we r really
    love each other too much n want to marry. But we are afraid from
    hounor kinlling. Sir i want to join this organization. Plz hepl me
    how it ciuld be possible. Thank you. Sami

  4. Hi!! Sir, This is aayushi anand from muzaffarpur,bihar. I want your
    serious help sir actually i am in class 12 right nw.i will be
    turning 18 next year. i fell in love with a guy named ayush when i
    was in class 10,and till now we are together.but my parents came to
    know about our love and forced me from not talking to him,still i
    used to manage somehow by stealing my mom’s cell and
    parents stopped me from meeting him,my faher even had beaten me
    many a ayush and me used to hide and meet for 5- 10
    minutes. we both really love each other a lot and we also want to
    be like other couples who roam around freely spending time with
    each other.we cant live without one another and we even cant run
    away fom home and marry right now cause i am just 17 and he is 20
    years old. but sir its getting harder and harder for me to survive
    in such a situation.i am dying each and every moment of my life.I
    MONTH.Sir,tomorrow is VALENTINE’S DAY and he despirately wants to
    meet me and even i want to meet him but we know we cant cause
    wherever i go my parents they put a guard behind me who tells
    everthng to them and then again they beat me.I even once pleaded my
    father to agree with us i said that my studies wont get effected by
    this but he said that just because the guy is from the other cast
    so we cant be together.once i told that i am leaving my house with
    the guy,then my father told that if i did so he would complain an
    FIR in the police and ayush would be jailed.i even once tried to
    commit a suicide but got saved. Sir, please help me i cant stand it
    any longer,if this continues i wud rather kill myself. i know we
    cant marry right now but just help me somehow so that i can get a
    freedom to meet him whenever i want and talk to him freely.or else
    please ask your police to shoot me!… pls help me pls!…

    • ye bhul k v mat karna qki maa baaap duniya me tumko janm diye hai
      aur unka aadar satkar karna tumhara kartavya hai kisi ladke k
      chalte apna jivan mat barbaaad karoye sirf paagal pan hai aur kuchh

  5. Friends, Love commandos is a voluntary group of people and we
    need large help from people like you.

    U can call helpline 00 91 9313784375 ##########.

    You can contribute by Cheques and DDs drawn in favour of any of
    the three and payable at New Delhi.

    # Sanjoy Sachdev, Harsh Malhotra, Sonu Rangi

    We shall remain thankful.

    Sanjoy Sachdev

    Chairman Love Commandos

  6. Hi brothers, I’m basically from Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
    currently working in Gabon (West Africa). Came accross the Love
    Commandos on the internet while browising. I have been following
    the Honour Killing that have been taking place in india and abroad.
    I feel very hurt and sad for the lovers. Their parents dont even
    realise that sometime back they were also young, and fell in love.
    I never knew such a Group Love commandos existed, i will very proud
    and happy to join this group and help other lovers who are in
    trouble. People who kill in the name of Honour have to be severely
    punished , read a couple of times that they get 18 – 20 yrs in
    prison. but according to me , that not even adequate. they should
    go through the same ordeal what was faced by their victims. I know
    i am sounding harsh and cruel but thing like this real hurt me .
    India is supposed to be becoming a modern society but thing like
    this happens and we look back , nothing has changed. A Girl and a
    guy , dont have the right or freedom to love and choose their life
    partner. Not only ” Honour Killings” but also killing in the name
    of Dowary that should also be stopped. I will surely get in contact
    with you guys, when i am back home in india. Take care and continue
    with the good work Rgds Martin

  7. In french: Les Commandos de l’amour … en Inde. Voici une histoire
    tragique qui parle d’accélération des changements de mentalité dans
    la société indienne (de l’Inde). C’est aussi une histoire qui
    raconte le courage de gens ordinaire. Il s’appelle Sanjoy Sachdev.
    Il a remporté un prix national en inde pour avoir lancé Love
    Commandos, les Commandos de l’amour, qui aide les couples indiens
    qui veulent se marier de traverser les frontières invisibles des
    castes. Dans la région du nord de l’Inde dans le Punjab et Uttar
    Pradesh seulement, on estime à 1000 les meurtres d’honneur chaque
    année. Des crimes sanctionné par le Khap Panchayats, soit le
    conseil tribal ultra conservateur et puissant qui gouverne les
    villages locaux. Sanjoy Sachdev, a lancé les Love Commandos avec
    d’humbles buts qui ont attiré l’attention nationalement. Le
    premiere appel date du 7 juillet à 18:19 quand une homme Lokendra
    Parihar a fait le premier appel au Love Commandos pour demander de
    l’aide. Pourquoi autant de meurtres d’honneur ? Dans l’Uttar
    Pradesh trois jeunes femmes âgé de 17, 19 et 22 ans ont été
    torturées et tuées par leurs parents et leurs frères afin de
    protéger leur honneur. (rapporté dans le Calcuta Telegraph la
    semaine du 15 nov 2010). Le statut social des familles est
    potentiellement rabaissé quand l’un de leurs enfants contracte une
    union avec quelqu’un d’une caste inférieure. Pour plusieurs
    familles indiennes, la caste est d’importance cruciale autant que
    l’éducation, le statut d’emploi et la couleur de la peau ! Dans un
    sondage réalisé en 2006 par l’ONU, les trois quarts des répondants
    indiens ont indiqué que l’éventualité de mariages inter-caste
    étaient inacceptable. QUand le groupe, les Commandos de l’amour a
    été fondé ? – l’été dernier par un groupe d’amis qui avaient comme
    cela protéger des couples à la St-Valentin des fondamentalistes
    Hindou, harcelé parfois uniquement parce qu’ils se tiennent par la
    main. Les protecteurs improvisés étaient armés seulement de poudre
    de chili et de bâtons. Comment ça marche ? Depuis l’appel de
    Parihar des milliers d’autres couples apeurés ont fait appel à eux.
    AUtant que 4,000 appels par jour ! Love Commandos a 11 cellulaires,
    quand l’un est occupé, l’appel tombe sur le prochain et ainsi de
    suite. Jusqu’où va leur aide ? Parfois les commandos de l’amour
    vont jusqu’à escorter un jeune couple au temple pour lui permettre
    de se marier. ON prend des photos et on les envoie à la famille ou
    on envoie un télégramme. Qui sont les membres des Commandos de
    l’amour ? 180,000 Indiens sont signalés présents ! Des médecin,
    avocats, entrepreneurs, des étudiants ont appelé pour offrir leur
    aide. Et ils aidents: un bénévole a créé le site web avec le numéro de la ligne d’aide. Un autre
    bénévole a envoyé 100,000 texto demandant aux gens de faire
    connaître l’existence de ces commandos de l’amour. Un autre a
    imprimé derrière ses reçus de caisses le numéro de la ligne d’aide
    de ! QU’est-ce qui explique ce phénomène du crime
    d’honneur ? – le documentariste Nakul Sawhney qui fait un film sur
    le crime d’honneur en Inde, dit que ces meurtres sont le résultat
    d’une société indienne qui change très rapidement. En Inde chaque
    mois, 15 millions de cellulaires de plus s’aditionnent. Les Khap
    Panchayats, conseil tribal ultra conservateur et puissant qui
    gouvernent les villages locaux perdent du terrain. Ils vont loin
    pour ne pas perdre leur pouvoir, même faire des pressions sur les
    familles pour qu’elles tuent leur enfant.” Fréquent finalement les
    meurtres d’honneur en INde ? Selon le réalisateur Sawhney, l’Inde
    qui devient une nouvelle puissance mondiale, connaît des mutations
    de société telles que les forces traditonnelles réagissent
    durement. Par exemple dans l’Uttar Pradesh, le Khap panchayt a
    banni le cellulaire pour toutes les filles non-mariées pour éviter
    la communication avec des garçons sans le consentement de leur
    famille. Le Khap contôle 300 villages où 23 marriages non approuvés
    par les familles ont eu lieu. Il y aurait plus de meurtres
    d’honneur que ce qui est rapporté. Dans le Haryana, les filles sont
    soit disant parties pour les écoles ou les collèges à l’extérieur
    du district, sauf que quand des militants appellent les écoles, ils
    n’y a pas d’inscriptions à leur nom, elles ont tout seulement

  8. Dear all, I’m a french free lance journalist and I’m coming soon to
    India. I m very interested in knowing more about you and your
    struggle against the honor crimes. I ll be in Delhi from the 23th
    of november, could we meet the following days? It would be for a
    french national magazine called Marianne. If you need any further
    information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We could send us
    more precise e-mails. Thanks a lot in advance, Kind regards,
    Delphine Bauer +33 (0) 6 22 71 92 29

  9. Hello, my name is Gaurab and I am based out of New Jersey in the
    USA. I moved here from Hyderabad, India, a little more than a year
    ago. While we wish as Indians to project to the world that we are
    the next super-power, it is the attitudes like those you are
    fighting against that hold us back as a nation. I therefore salute
    your efforts, and congratulate you on this initiative. I wish to
    donate small amounts of money on a periodic basis to your
    organization. Can you please let me know how I can do this? I look
    forward to hearing from you. Warm Regards, Gaurab Sengupta

  10. Thanks for helping and stopping suicides , cast murders etc.I want
    to be a part in “LOVE COMMANDOS” organization because I’m also a
    victim of cast , money , prestige. Still i’m struggling for my love
    . Not only in North India , in south India also Love murders ,
    suicides are there . PLEASE HELP THEM to stop such kind of things.

  11. Thank you for doing such a great job that India really needs now.
    I’m glad to know that you people support LOVE-the only way to
    peace. I hope you create branches in all cities, atleast the main
    cities in India. I support your initiative and I hope many people
    will support you. Regards, Abhisek

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